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Fusion Energy Buyer's Guide
Fusion Energy Buyer's Guide
Metallized Ceramics
Feed Throughs & Windows
Fusion Energy Applications
Thermal - Electrical - Vacuum
NRC to Regulate Fusion Energy Systems
Based on Existing Nuclear Materials Licensing
10 C.F.R. Part 30 is Accepted
Read the (10 CFR Part 30) Code for Regulations for Fusion Energy
Moving Away from (10 CFR Part 50) Nuclear Fission Code Regulations
Today, Friday, April 14th, 2023, The Commission has approved the staff’s -SECY-23-0001- Option 2 to license and regulate fusion energy systems under the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s byproduct material framework contained in 10 C.F.R. Part 30, “Rules of General Applicability to Domestic Licensing of Byproduct Material,” and associated regulations.
NRC Chair Christopher T. Hanson- “Dozens of companies are developing pilot-scale commercial fusion designs, and while the technology’s precise future in the United States is uncertain, the agency should provide as much regulatory certainty as possible given what we know today. Licensing near-term fusion energy systems under a byproduct material framework will protect public health and safety with a technology-neutral, scalable regulatory approach.”
For 13-years, The Energy Innovation Summit has offered a unique, three-day program aimed at moving transformational energy technologies out of the lab and into the market.
Over the next weeks FENi will highlight the dozens of fusion energy related participants and their projects that will be presented at "The Summit".
Technologies We Will Detail Include:
Additive Manufacturing
Plasma Facing Materials
HTS Magnetics
Shear Flow Stabilized Z-Pinch
Fusion Power to the Grid
This week our first topic in this
Energy Innovation Summit - Primer will be TRITIUM.
Breeding, Handling, Managing, Mitigating & Simulating
Savannah River National Laboratory (SNRL) - Booth #630
Direct Lithium Tritide (LiT) Electroysis – to reduce the complexity and footprint of tritium extraction from breeding-blanket materials
Tritium Handling Vaccuum Pump - demonstrates a hydrocarbon pump oil-recycling loop process that can selectively remove heavier hydrogen isotopes
Conditions for muon catalyzed fusion – techniques from the field of high-pressure physics, will simultaneously heat, pressurize, and bombard a fusion (D-T) fuel with muons,
Colorado School of Mines – Booth #646
Interfacial-Engineered Membranes for Efficient Tritium Extraction - demonstrate engineered composite membranes for efficient tritium extraction from breeder media and the vessel exhaust
PPPL & Woodruff Scientific – Booth #622
Develops fusion plant cost analysis programs for technology-to-market and identifies costliest aspects of various concept models.
Capabilities in theory, modeling, and validation for a range of innovative fusion concepts using high-fidelity moment-kinetic models - addresses how plasma dynamics in the fusion plasma will couple with both liquid-metal and electrode-material dynamics for fusion energy
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) - Booth #638
Fusion Energy Reactor Models Integrator (FERMI) - simulates the first wall and blanket for power extraction and tritium breeding
University of California, San Diego (UCSD) - Booth #626
Renewable low-Z wall for fusion reactors with built-in tritium recovery - a low-atomic-number renewable wall for fusion devices - concept allows large heat flow handling and recovery away from the plasma and wall
MARCH 22nd through MARCH 24th, 2023 Washington D.C.
PODCAST - The GAO review of the status of Fusion Energy - March 30th, 2023
Materials & Engineering Design Assistance
Ceramic Metallization
Brazed Assemblies
Vacuum Feedthroughs
High Temp Circuit Boards
(716) 200-8618
First Light Fusion to partner with UKAEA for new demonstration facility
The UK Atomic Energy Authority and First Light Fusion have signed an agreement for the design and construction of a new purpose-built facility to house First Light’s "Machine-4" at UKAEA’s Culham Campus in Oxfordshire.
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Abingdon UK
UKAEA and First Light Fusion to construct a new facility to house First Light’s new net energy gain demonstrator (“Machine 4”) in Oxford, UK
The agreement will see both parties developing the building at Culham Campus
Architects and technical designers have been appointed, construction expected to begin in 2024
Machine 4’s unique approach to inertial confinement fusion is its next milestone towards commercial fusion power development
DIII-D Research Program
The Department of Energy (DOE)
Office of Science (SC)
Fusion Energy Science (FES)
Providing $10 Million in Tokamak Reasearch Grant Funding at the DIII-D Facility
The (FOA) Number: DE-FOA -0002904 allows for the use of the DIII-D Tokamak and related facility technologies for the development of novel tokamak experiments that will further the greater development into commercial fusion applications.
Get Funding to Run Your Tokamak Experiments in a Government Funded Facility
Further Assistence Email:
Max funding per experiment is $2.5M. The DOE expects to fund approximately six (6) experiments with this grant. Government labs and agencies are not eligible. This is designed to assist developing research for small entities. Application Deadline Feb 15th, 2023 (5PM ET)
Meet the New Program Director:
Q & A with Dr. Laurent Pilon
Dr. Laurent Pilon comes to ARPA-E from the University of California, Los Angeles where he is a professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. His area of research focused on the nexus of interfacial and transport phenomena, radiative heat transfer, and material science for the development of sustainable energy conversion, storage, and efficiency technologies.
U.S, DOE Video
Fusion Develpment
U.S. Department of Energy Announces Historic Achievement of
LLNL - National Ignition Facility
Creates Fusion Energy Using
Less Energy than Applied
UKAEA Announces:
West Burton Selected as Home of
STEP Fusion Plant.
Government-backed programme aims to prove low carbon electricity from fusion
White House Electrification Summit
explores how electrification can help the United States meet its climate and equity goals.
This Article will be Updated with further Details From the Summit