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Fusion Energy Buyer's Guide
Fusion Energy Buyer's Guide
Metallized Ceramics
Feed Throughs & Windows
Fusion Energy Applications
Thermal - Electrical - Vacuum
United Kingdom Fusion Energy Funded Projects
The links below contain thousands of articles, interviews, experiments, videos, images, pod casts and the like.
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy CCFE (JET and MAST experiments)
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, UKAEA
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (funding)
Imperial College, London University, Plasma Physics Group
Queen's University, Belfast, Centre for Plasma Physics
University of Glasgow, Astronomy & Astrophysics
University of Manchester, Dalton Nuclear Institute
University of Manchester, School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Warwick, Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics
University of York, York Plasma Institute EUROfusion (JET experiment)
Fusion Centre for Doctoral Training (FUSION CDT)
RACE (Remote Applications in Challenging Environments)
University of Manchester, Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials
Technological Plasmas Research Group, University of Liverpool
Durham Energy Institute, Materials for Fusion Energy
Durham University Centre for Advanced Instrumentation, Fusion Diagnostics
University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Physics
University of Liverpool, Faculty of Science and Engineering
University of Oxford, Science and Technology of Fusion Energy
University of Oxford, Theoretical Astrophysics & Plasma Physics
University of Bristol, Faculty of Engineering
UKAEA Fusion Technology Facilities
Materials & Engineering Design Assistance

Ceramic Metallization
Brazed Assemblies
Vacuum Feedthroughs
High Temp Circuit Boards
(716) 200-8618